Marco Ciofalo

Sii gentile, sempre! Be always kind 🌹 Travel, smile, love, live! ☀️ Web Developer • Graphic Designer • Photographer & TechNerd • Cocktails & Good Music

Chuck Lager logo reveal – After Effects

Chuck Lager logo reveal video made with an After Effects template Who is Chuck Lager? Chuck Lager is many things, all of which are quite exceptional. He was born

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Mi fotografo – Anno 2014 – Taking pictures of me! Year 2014

L’idea era buona. La realizzazione tecnica un pò meno. Però dai, l’ho fatto in mezz’ora, poteva andare peggio. Anno 2014 nel mio vecchio e caro studio fotografico. Bei tempi! Sigh…

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Marco Ciofalo

Marco Ciofalo – Professional Italian Photographer and Web Developer, retoucher, graphic and web designer, based in Florence, Italy Technical skills Web Design / Code Development Digital / Photo / Video

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